Sanders County 365 (www.sanderscounty365.com) is a project that was launched by the Sanders County Ledger to help connect residents and visitors of Sanders County alike by creating an online community calendar available to everyone for free. Our goal is to help build a sense of community across the whole of Sanders County by ensuring access to event information for everyone on a single convenient website.
What type of events does Sanders County 365 feature?
Any event that is open to the general public is welcome to be posted on Sanders County 365. Whether your event is as large as the Huckleberry Festival or is a small club, you are encouraged to post your events on Sanders County 365.
How do I submit an event?
Submitting an event on Sanders County 365 is an easy process that is available to everyone for free. To submit an event, click on the “Submit an Event” button toward the top of SC365's homepage.
How can I help?
By posting events! While we do our best to ensure that every event in Sanders County is featured on SC365, we still rely on your help to make sure that no events are overlooked. Keeping track of every event in Sanders County is not an easy task, but with your help, it is possible!
How can I get my own page on Sanders County 365?
Venues and organizations can have their own pages on SC365 that feature only their events. Your events will still be listed on the main calendar, but having your own page helps individuals find events linked to a specific venue or organization. Want to learn more and get your own page? Contact Marshall at 406-827-3421 or advertising@scledger.net.